District Field Locator
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The purpose of the Ute Conference is to provide the opportunity for all players to enjoy and participate in the
active competition of the game of football. The Conference seeks to do this by acquainting players with the rules
of the game of football and its sound fundamentals, such as passing, running, kicking, blocking, tackling, and
maintaining a sound physical, mental, and moral condition. The Conference and its officials, coaches, and officers
are dedicated to inspiring youth, regardless of race, color, gender, or religion, to practice the ideals of
sportsmanship, scholarship, fellowship, team cooperation, and athletic competition. The Conference is committed
to encourage adults to behave in an exemplary manner when supervising youth or as a spectator at all functions
of the Conference, and to keep the welfare of the youth foremost and free from any adult compulsion for power
and glory.


1.1. Each district shall appoint one (1) Head Coach for each team and such Managers and Assistant Coaches as appropriate. These personnel should be of unquestionable character with a profound interest in and knowledge of football and the players.

          1.1.1. Teams can have (1) Head Coach and up to (5) Assistant Coaches/Managers on the Certified Team Roster.

          1.1.2. Maximum of 6 Rostered Coaches will be permitted on the sideline during games.

         A Rostered Coach on one team does not give the coach rights or access to be on another team’s sideline.

         No other individuals may be on the sideline during games, including without limitation managers, team parents, and/or ball boys.

          1.1.3. No one that is not at least 18 years of age can assist on the field practicing, coaching, or participating in any way with a Ute Conference Team. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person who is either 16 or 17 years old may coach, provided that (i) that satisfy all other Conference rules for certifying as a coach and (ii) the person has at least one parent or legal guardian coaching for the same team.



          1.2.1. All coaches in the Ute Conference must be certified. Certification will require any coach (Head or Assistant) to both (i) attend and pass a Ute Conference coaches certification course and (ii) pass a Ute Conference Security Screening/Background Check. Failure to meet both requirements will result in disqualification. Coaches who fail to pass the background check guidelines have no option for appeal. Background checks are final. Each coach must submit to and pass a background check yearly. Even if a coach has passed a background check for previous seasons, he or she will not be certified to coach for the next season unless and until they pass a background in the year in which the season occurs. The Ute Conference certification course will require coaches to successfully demonstrate that they have a baseline understanding of both these program rules and the rules of football.

          1.2.2. All board members of Ute Conference districts must pass a Ute Conference Security Screening/Background Check. There is no option for appeal. Background checks are final. Each board member must submit to and pass a background check yearly. Even if a board member has passed a background check for previous seasons, he or she will not be certified to serve on a board for the next season unless and until they pass a background in the year in which the season occurs.

          1.2.3. BACKGROUND CHECK CRITERIA – Background checks will cover a period of 7 years from the current date. The Ute Conference’s background check process is a due-diligence procedure, not an FBI background check. The Ute Conference uses Spectrum Security Group, a third-party vendor, to conduct each background check. If any of the following apply to a prospective coach or board member, that individual will not be certified and will not be permitted to coach or serve on a board within the Ute Conference:

         The coach or board member provides false statements, material misrepresentations, or incomplete or misleading information on their background check

         The coach or board member fails or refuses to complete the background screening process.

         The coach or board member appears on any sex offender registry in the United States, District of Columbia, U.S. Territories, or Native American jurisdiction within the United States.

         The coach or board member has a conviction, guilty plea, plea in abeyance, or plea of nolo contendere (no contest) for any violent sexual crime. “Violent sexual crimes,” for purposes of this section, include all felonies and misdemeanors for rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, sexual abuse of a minor, and all offenses identified within Utah Code section 76-9-702.1 (2024).

                 For misdemeanors, including “sexual battery” under Utah Code section 76-9-702.1(1) (2024), violent sex crime offenders are disqualified for ten (10) years from the date of the conviction or plea.

                 For felonies, including all offenses under Utah Code section 76-9-702.1(2) (2024), violent sex crime offenders are permanently disqualified.

         The coach or board member has a conviction, guilty plea, plea in abeyance, or plea of nolo contendere (no contest) for any sexual crime. “Sexual crime,” for purposes of this section, includes all sexual crimes not listed in Section above, non-violent sexual crimes, lewdness (UCA § 76-9-702 (2024)), and/or unlawful distribution of an intimate image (UCA § 76-5b-203 (2024)).

         For felonies, offenders are disqualified for seven (7) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For Class-A misdemeanors, offenders are disqualified for two (2) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For Class-B and Class-C misdemeanors, offenders are not disqualified.


 The coach or board member has a conviction, guilty plea, plea in abeyance, or plea of nolo contendere (no contest) for any “violent crime.” A “violent crime,” for purposes of this section, includes all offenses outlined in Section above, all crimes involving the use of a weapon, all crimes in which the actor threatens to use a weapon, all crimes in which the actor causes serious bodily injury to another individual, all crimes in which the actor causes bodily injury to another individual, and all child abuse or domestic violence crimes.


         For all offenses falling under Section, the disqualification periods outlined in that section control.


         For all felonies not falling within Section and which at least one of the victims was a minor, offenders are permanently disqualified.


         For all felonies not falling within Section and which all victims were adults, offenders are disqualified for seven (7) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all Class-A misdemeanors not falling within Section and which at least one of the victims was a minor, offenders are disqualified for ten (10) years. For Class-B and Class-C misdemeanors under this subpart, offenders are disqualified for four (4) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all Class-A misdemeanors not falling within Section and which all of the victims were adults, offenders are disqualified for two (2) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all felony and Class-A misdemeanor child abuse crimes, offenders are permanently disqualified.


         For all Class-B and Class-C misdemeanor child abuse crimes, offenders are not disqualified.


         For all felony and Class-A misdemeanor domestic violence crimes, offenders are permanently disqualified.


         For all Class-B and Class-C misdemeanor domestic violence crimes, offenders are not disqualified.

 The coach or board member has a conviction, guilty plea, plea in abeyance, or plea of nolo contendere (no contest) for a non-violent drug or alcohol-related crime.


         For all felonies in which distribution, attempted distribution, or intent to distribute is an essential element, offenders are disqualified for ten (10) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all other felonies, offenders are disqualified for five (5) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all Class-A misdemeanors in which distribution, attempted distribution, or intent to distribute is an essential element, offenders are disqualified for seven (7) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all other Class-A misdemeanors, offenders are disqualified for two (2) years from the date of the conviction or plea.


         For all Class-B and Class-C misdemeanors, offenders are not disqualified.

 The coach or board member has any felony conviction (other than for the offenses outlined in Sections above) within the past five (5) years.

 The coach or board member has any other Class-A misdemeanor conviction (class A) within the past two (2) years.

 The coach or board member has any pending and unresolved felony or Class-A misdemeanor charges, regardless of subject matter. The coach or board member shall be disqualified until (i) the pending charges are resolved and (ii) the coach or board member otherwise qualifies under all other provisions of Section 1.2.

 A prospective district board member who has a conviction, guilty plea, plea in abeyance, or plea nolo contendere (no contest) for any financial-related felony, Class-A misdemeanor, or Class-B misdemeanor within the past seven (7) years. Such crimes include without limitation theft, retail theft, fraud, embezzlement, tax fraud, accounting fraud, mortgage fraud, issuing a bad check, deceptive business practices, insurance fraud, conducting a criminal pyramid or ponzi scheme, or making a false credit report felony or misdemeanor.


         For all felonies, offenders are disqualified for ten (10) years.


         For all Class-A misdemeanors, offenders are disqualified for five (5) years.

1.3. Each coach will receive a Ute-Conference issued photo identification badge ( “Coaching Badge”). All coaches must visibly wear their Coaching Bad around their neck or chest during all Ute Conference games. Only coaches who are on the roster of the participating team, and who are wearing a Coaching Badge, are allowed inside the ropes on the sideline during Ute Conference games. Failure to (i) comply with this section and/or (ii) leave the sideline (for failing to wear a Coaching Badge) when asked by a district president, district board member, Ute Conference board member, or official will result in discipline, at the Ute Conference’s sole discretion. Such discipline may include but is not limited to (i) forfeiture of games, (ii) coaching suspensions, (iii) disqualification from participating in postseason play (for both the coach and team), and (iv) disqualification from coaching in future seasons.


          1.4. All background checks must be completed and cleared before a coach is permitted on the field for practice. It is the responsibility of the District Board to ensure that all background checks are finalized prior to coaches participating in any football activities. Parents who have not completed a background check are not allowed to coach. Only rostered coaches are permitted on practice and game fields.


          1.4.1. Districts failing to follow 1.4 are subject to disciplinary action by the Executive Board of the Ute Conference.


          1.5. A football coach or assistant should at all times set a good example by his/her behavior for the players in his/her charge. He/she should always remember and abide by the following:


                  1.5.1. No smoking or electronic cigarette or inhaling device for nicotine intake in front of players during game time, practice time, or any other team activity.


                  1.5.2. No profane or abusive language in the presence of the players. In addition, no usage of any religious or racial slurs during a Ute Conference activity, whether during practice or a game, including but not limited to the “N” word or any of its variations.


                  1.5.3. No criticizing players in front of spectators and reserving constructive criticism for private or in the presence of the team so all might benefit.


                  1.5.4. Accepting decisions of officials on the field as being fair and called to the best ability of the officials.


                  1.5.5. Not criticizing the opposing team, its coaches, or fans by word of mouth or gesture.


                  1.5.6. Not permitting “sweating down” tactics so that a player will make the team weigh in. “Sweating down” includes but is not limited to steam rooms, steam cabinets, rubber sweat suits, or any method that is injurious to the health of the players.


                  1.5.7. Not permitting a player to re-enter any game after being injured and ineligible as determined by a trainer.


                  1.5.8. Abiding by the trainers’ decision in all matters of players’ health, injuries, and ability to play during a game; if a trainer removes a player removed and/or the player’s helmet, the player will need doctor approval prior to returning to participation.

2.1. Each player will be designated to an age group at the time he/she registered; no player will be placed on a waiting list.


         2.2.1. All certified rosters will require a picture of each player. Players will not be eligible to receive equipment unless they have uploaded a photo linked to their registration ID. Districts and Executive Board members will have access to this information via their @ucfootball.org email addresses. (The roster must be reviewed by a focus group of at least five or more presidents to ensure it is ready. This process is expected to take place around May 2025. The rule will not go into effect until the roster is finalized. (Voted 02/03/2025)  


2.2. All players must be registered and listed on the certified roster that is authorized with the District’s Executive Board Liaison’s stamp prior to participating in a league game.


2.3. Once a team roster reaches thirty-four (34) players, that team must be divided into two (2) teams. In order to divide into 2 teams, there must be a minimum of 28 players and 14 players per team (determined by the district president or district board). All teams in the same age group may not have more than a 3-player difference on each team at the official weigh-in (unless waived by the Executive Board).


2.4. Early communication may be made with potential players via mail or phone to facilitate registration for the purpose of financial and organization planning.

3.1. The age of a player for the playing season shall be his/her attained age as of July 1, of that year.

         3.1.1. 7-year-old scouts playing age for the season shall be his/her attained age as of September 1, of that year. A player turning 8 after July 1 and before September 1 of current year will have the option to play in the Scout division. This will require parental consent of the player. Based on birthdate, a player in the Scout division may play 3 years in the same division.

         3.1.2. 6 year old turning 7after July 1st and before September 1st of the current season is eligible to play. This player will be allowed to play 3 years of Scouts.

3.2. Except as otherwise authorized by these rules for Z down and Y up players, all players must participate in their age classification at the time of registration.

3.3. “Z” Down – To participate in a lower classification as a Z down player, the player must weigh 25 pounds below the X weight of the lower classification to which the player is moving. The player will be weighed in by a district officer at the time of registration or equipment pick up and must make weight as provided herein, and the player also must be less than 14 years old as of September 1.

         3.3.1. A player may only Z down to the next lower classification (e.g., from the Pee Wee division to the Gremlin division). There shall be no Z downs from the Gremlin to Scout division and a 14-year-old player in the Bantam division may not Z down to the Gridiron division.

         3.3.2. Sweating down players to make weight is strictly forbidden. The Executive Board reserves the right to turn in any Parent, Coach or Board Member to the State of Utah for investigation of abuse pertaining to player(s) losing weight.

         3.3.3. Any player wanting to Z down must arrive at the official weigh ins wearing a t-shirt, shorts, socks and shoes.

         3.3.4. “Y” Up – At the player’s option, and only if it does not leave the player’s current age division with insufficient players to field a team, a player may choose to “Y Up” to the next age division (e.g., from the Gremlin division to the Pee Wee division).

         3.3.5. If the Y up player is under the “X” weight for that next higher division at the official weigh in, then the Y up player shall be allowed to participate in that higher division without being designated an “X” player.

         3.3.6. If the Y up player is not under the “X” weight of the higher division at that official weigh-in, then the player shall be designated an “X” and all corresponding X rules shall apply.

         3.3.7. A seven-year-old Scout shall not be allowed to Y up to the Gremlin division.

         3.3.8. A eight-year-old Scout may “Y” Up with parental consent. District President and District board have final approval to move player to higher division.

         3.3.9. A fourteen-year-old Bantam shall not be allowed to Z down to Gridiron.

3.4. Chart of Weight and Designations.

         3.4.1. The following chart establishes the age and weight classifications for all Ute Conference divisions:

Age Group

X Weight  

Z Weight

Y  Weight

Scout – Ages  7, 8

 85 lbs

No Z Downs

“Y” UP for 8 yr olds with Parental Consent. District and President and District board have final approval. NO “Y” UP for 7 yr olds.

Gremlin – Age 9

 95 lbs             

70 lbs

“Y” UP Parental Consent

Pee Wee – Age 10

105 lbs

80 lbs

“Y” UP Parental Consent

Mity Mite – Age 11

125 lbs

100 lbs

 “Y” UP Parental Consent

Gridiron – Age 12

 135 lbs

110 lbs

 “Y” UP Parental Consent      No 14 yr old Z down

Bantam – Ages 13, 14

165 lbs

No Z Down requirement


3.5. There will be one (1) official weigh-in held just prior to the start of league play; this weigh-in will be conducted according to procedures set up by the Executive Committee. A player who exceeds the “X” weight limit can choose to declare as an “X” player before the official weigh-in. This means they won’t need to attend the official weigh-in. Once a player declares as an “X” player, this status will remain for the entire season.

         3.5.1. Additionally, there may be (1) late weigh-in for players in both divisions which registered late or missed the official weigh-in. This would be held during the week between the first and second game. The purpose of this late weigh-in is to give those players who registered after the official weigh-in or missed the official weigh-in the opportunity to be added to the certified roster, thus allowing them to play as an eligible player.

         3.5.2. There will be no “X” removal, or “Z” down player weigh –ins at this late weigh-in.

3.6. “X” Men – After the official weigh-in, any player who exceeds the official weight limit for each team classification will be required to play as an “X”- Man, on Offense, Defense and Special Teams.

         3.6.1. All “X”-players must comply with the following:

        All “X” players will be designated with an “X” on the player roster.

        All “X”-players will be required at all times to wear a 4-inch black or white “X”, whichever is a contrasting color to the helmet, on both front and back of his/her helmet (The Ute Conference may require alternative-colored X’s for districts, that include embellishments, to enhance contrast and visibility.) . Skull bones, decorations, colorings, numbers, names, writings, etc. are prohibited on the “X” and the “X” cannot be made of Athletic tape, black electrical tape or anything other than the Conference-provided “X”. If a player wears a guardian cap, the “X” must be visibly affixed to both the front and back of the helmet.


         3.6.2. On Offense, the “X”-player must comply with the following:

        No more than five (5) offensive “X”-players are allowed on the field at a time. They must be on the line of scrimmage. The line of scrimmage is defined as the vertical plane through the point of the ball nearest the team’s goal line. An offensive lineman is on his line of scrimmage when he is facing his goal line with his shoulders approximately parallel thereto and with his head or foot breaking the imaginary plane drawn parallel to the line of scrimmage through the waist of the snapper when the ball is snapped.

        The “X”-player must be an Interior Lineman, playing one of the front five-line positions, from Tackle to Tackle; for example, Left Tackle – Left Guard – Center- Right Guard -Right Tackle, in a “balanced” formation.

        The “X”-player must be set, but not necessarily down in a 3-or 4-point stance at the snap of the ball.

        The furthest outside “X” player must be “covered” by a Non-“X” player; in other words, if the formation is such that the furthest outside Offensive linemen are “X”-players, then at least one Non-“X”-player must line up on the Line of Scrimmage outside of each of the furthest “X”-player(s).

        The Offense may line up in an “unbalanced formation” such as a “Double- or Triple-Tackle Stack” on one side of the ball, as long as the furthest outside “X”-player is “covered” per this section.

        No Offensive play can be designed for an “X”-player to carry the ball, i.e., “X”-players cannot be the targeted recipient of a pass or run from scrimmage, including “Tackle-eligible”, “Fake Fumble”, “Statue of Liberty”, “Double Pass”, “Tipped Pass” or similar types of play.

        Offensive “X” players may recover and advance a “true” fumble or defensive tipped/batted pass.

         3.6.3. On Defense, the “X”-player must comply with the following:

        No more than five (5) “X” players are allowed on the field at a time. A defensive player is on his line of scrimmage when he is within 1 yard of his scrimmage line at the snap and facing his goal line. They do not need to be covered.

        Defensive “X” players do not have to cover, shade or line up outside the offensive X players’ shoulder. They can line up anywhere along the line of scrimmage. However, they must be on the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball.


        The “X” player must be down in a 3- or 4-point stance anywhere on the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball.

        The “X”-player must be on his/her line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball.


        If the Offense lines up in an “unbalanced formation” such as a “Double- or Triple-Tackle Stack” on one side of the ball, then the Defense doesn’t have to line up accordingly and can be anywhere along the line of scrimmage.

        Defensive “X” players may recover and advance a fumble or interception.

         3.6.4. On Special Teams, the “X”-player must comply with the following:

        No more than five (5) “X”-players are allowed on the field at a time, per team.

        A Scrimmage Kick (Punt) is governed by the Offensive & Defensive “X” player rules (see 3.7.3 & 3.7.4). An “X” player cannot be a Punter. (Note: Special rule application for Gremlin’s only.)


        On Free Kicks (Kick-off and Kick-off Return teams), “X” players are restricted to the front lines only, with the exception that an “X” player may also be a Kicker.

        An “X”-player may gain possession of and advance a Kick-off or Punt, but only if they do this starting from the front-line position.

        On all PAT attempts, the “X” player is governed by the Offensive & Defensive “X” player rules.

        No Special Team play can be designed for an “X”-player to carry the ball, i.e., hand-offs, passes, fake fumbles, etc.

         3.6.5. The penalty for misuse of the “X” player shall be five (5) yards if the offense commits the foul, and five (5) yards if the defense commits the foul. For purposes of penalty applications, “X” player violations can be both Dead-ball or Live-ball fouls, depending on the violation.

4.1. Equipment Specifications – All teams must be fully equipped with a complete line of high quality, safety-first equipment for every player taking part in any practice contact sessions, scrimmage, or game. The following equipment items are mandatory in all divisions:

         4.1.1. Helmet and Face Mask – . The helmet and face mask must meet the NOCSAE test standards and have a visible exterior warning label attached. They must further meet all the current National Federation of High School Association standards.

                 Helmets – As safety protocols evolve, helmet technologies continue to change and adapt. The Ute Conference’s objective and priority is “Safety First, New Technology First.” Therefore, each helmet in the Conference will be inspected on an annual basis by the member districts to make a determination if the helmet complies with current safety and sanitization standards. Helmets that do not pass the safety and sanitization inspections will be discarded no matter how old or new they may be.

         4.1.2. Shoulder Pads – Youth football shoulder pads are protective gear designed specifically for young athletes playing football. These pads are constructed to fit smaller, developing bodies and provide a balance of safety and mobility. Shoulder pads must be fully covered by a jersey.

         4.1.3. Uniforms – Jerseys and Pants will be ordered and distributed by the Conference’s executive board. The Conference’s executive board has full authority to bind the Conference to long-term contracts for jersey purchasing. It is required that no smaller than six (6) inch front numbers and no smaller than eight (8) inch back numbers be used on each jersey.

        Any advertising placed on a player’s uniform shall be approved in advance by the Conference’s executive board. Tear-away jerseys or jerseys that have been taped, tied, or altered in any manner which produces a knot-like protrusion are illegal.


         4.1.4. Mouth Guard – It is required that each player should be fitted with a durable, well-made teeth and mouth protector, and it is required to be worn in all games and contact drills.

         4.1.5. Shoes – Modern football shoes must not have a toe cleat to reduce injury risks. Cleat configurations provide traction and stability without the forward-facing spike, ensuring safety and compliance across all levels of play.

         4.1.6. Ball – The only football sanctioned for play is the Ute Conference VRG66 with Stamped UC Logo. Specifications for all balls are determined by the UC Executive Board.

        All balls need to be inflated properly to the manufacturer’s specifications as printed on the side of the football.

        The following specifications will apply to all classifications:

        Division 1 Teams (Scouts & Gremlins) will use the Pee Wee football as the game ball.

        Division 2 (Pee Wee & Mity Mite) will use the Junior football as the game ball.

        Division 3 (Gridiron & Bantam) will use the Youth football as the game ball.

5.1. Practice may begin on, but not before, the day after the 24th day of July of each year. (Excluding Sunday)

         5.1.1. Practice Definitions

        Air – Non Contact practice – Players may wear helmets but no shoulder pads or padded pants.

        Bags – Non Contact practice – Players may wear Shells (helmets, shoulder pads, and shorts) or Full Pads and are limited to contact with bags only. Players may participate in non-contact drills using tackling or blocking dummies (bags) to practice technique, footwork, and positioning.

        Thud – Limited Contact practice – Players wear Full Pads – A controlled contact practice where players engage at full speed without tackling to the ground. It focuses on proper form, technique, and staying upright to enhance safety while simulating game scenarios.

        Full Contact – Players wear Full Pads – A contact practice where players engage at full speed tackling to the ground. It focuses on proper form and technique while simulating game scenarios.


5.2 The first four days of Practice, including tryouts for heat acclimation will go as follows:


Day 1

Helmet Only

No Contact (Air)

Day 2

Full Pads

Thud Only

Day 3

Full Pads

Live Contact

Day 4

Full Pads

Thud if consecutive days w/day 4 or Live Contact if there rest day between day 4 and day 5

5.3. Any district beginning practice before the above dates will be subject to discipline by the conference.

         5.3.1. Practice shall be defined as any rostered coach gathering a group of players together for “conditioning”, “clinics”, “drills”, “film sessions”, or any type of organized event meant to prepare players for game situations.

5.4. At all contact practice sessions, all players must wear full safety-first equipment as required by the Rules.

         5.4.1. Practice sessions are to be limited to not more than 2 hours per session Monday thru Friday, 3 hours per session on Saturday, and only 1 session per day. (Maximum 5 practices per week with 3 full contact practices)

         5.4.2. After the first game in August, practice sessions shall be limited to no more than 3-two (2) hour sessions per week. (Maximum 2 full contact practices)

         5.4.3. Practices must include a rest day or be limited to non-contact activities between live contact practices.

5.5. Each district can have camps or clinics. Preseason conditioning and learn to play days are encouraged.

5.6. Under no circumstances may a team play or scrimmage a team which is not in the same age and weight classification, including teams in the same district.

6.1. No dogs, pets or any animals are allowed on a Ute Conference practice, game field or event location.

6.2. No Noise Makers – Air Horns, Cowbells, Drums or any other artificial noise makers are not allowed on the Ute Conference practice, game field or event location.

6.3. No ladders, scaffolding, elevated work platform (also known as a cherry picker, boom lift, man lift, basket crane or hydra ladder), or any type of aerial work platform that consists of a platform or bucket at the end of a hydraulic lifting system are permitted on a Ute Conference practice or game field.

6.4. Parents, Relatives and Spectators may watch games on their team’s half of the designated Viewing area.

         6.4.1. End Zone Flag Designation for Fans – A flag will be placed in the middle (center point) of the Spectator Viewing Area. Parents, Relatives and Spectators viewing area will begin 2 yards from the End Line of the End Zone. The Viewing area is defined as 2 yards to 7 yards beyond the End line of the End Zone and the width of the field from Sideline to Sideline.

         6.4.2. Anyone violating the viewing area may be asked to leave the premises. Violations could be but are not limited to sitting closer than 2 yards from the End Line or sitting on the opposite team’s half of the viewing area.


         6.4.3. All variants of fireworks displays including smoke bombs are not allowed.

         6.4.4. Bands, boom box music, or loud music coming from any electronic device will be allowed during the pregame and game halftime only.


         6.4.5. Drones are not allowed to fly over any Ute Conference event to include practice, game fields or locations. Drone operators will be asked to leave premises.

6.5. All shade canopies and umbrellas must be at least 6 feet from the end line of the end zone.

6.6. Team Flags and Signs Lining End Zone – Team flags and signs must be 8 yards beyond the End Line of the End Zone. Flags will not be permitted in front of the Spectators Viewing Area. Flags or Signs will not be allowed if there is not space available beyond 7 yards.

         6.6.1. A district, at its discretion, may designate 1 End Zone for spectators and 1 End Zone for Flags or another area for team flags.

6.7. Playing Field. – The setting up and condition of the playing field(s) will be the responsibility of the host district.

         6.7.1. The playing field will be roped off from spectators at least fifteen (15) yards from the out-of-bounds lines from end zone to end zone where possible. A minimum of 7 yards must me be maintained otherwise spectators are to be kept out of this area completely.

         6.7.2. An eighty (80) yard length by fifty-three (53) yard width field will be used in all classifications.

         6.7.3. All fields will be properly marked as follows:

 The out-of-bounds limits, end zones, and ten (10) yard distances will be plainly marked.

 Safety cones or other visible devices with six (6) inch or larger numbers will be placed at ten (10) yard intervals on the home side of the fields.

 Goal lines and end zones will be plainly marked with pylons or flags.

 To avoid injury to the players, all flag uprights will be of the types that freely bend from the vertical to the horizontal.

         6.7.4. Chain Crews – The chain crew (commonly known as the “chain gang”) are assistants to the linesman who handle the first down measuring chain and the down indicator box. The members of the chain crew who operate the measuring chain are called rod men and the person who works the down indicator box is called the box man. The crew is on the home side of the field and the responsibility of the home team.

        Each person operating as a chain crew member must wear a Ute Conference vest. This vest designates a member of the chain crew is allowed to be inside the sideline ropes.

        Coaches who are ineligible to coach, because they do not have a badge or have been ejected from a prior game, are not allowed to be part of the chain crew.

        Chain crew members must be 16 years of age.

         6.7.5. Coaches and players on the sideline must remain within the sideline boxes, which run along the side of the field from the 20-yard line to the opposite 20-yard line. Other than players, officials, game trainers, doctors (as needed), Ute Conference approved badged personnel and law enforcement (as needed), no other persons shall be allowed inside the sideline ropes adjacent to the playing field.


         6.7.6. First Down, Ball Markers, and Yard Markers – The home team district is responsible for providing and operating the first down chain and ball markers. Yard markers shall also be provided by the home team.   


         6.7.7. Each district shall be responsible for having a person trained in emergency first aid present at every home game.
Playoff host sites will be awarded and determined by the UC Executive Board. Districts who do not follow conference rules policies and procedures will not be approved to host playoff and championship games.

7.1. Practice Begins – July 25, 2025 (Friday) (Districts may, in their discretion, choose to begin practice later than July 25, 2025)

7.2. Preseason Scrimmages – August 9, 2025

7.3. Regular Season – August 16, 2025

7.4. Playoffs October 11, 2025

7.5. Semi Finals October 18, 2025

7.6. Bowl Championships – October 25, 2025

7.7. UC Championships – November 1, 2025

8.1. Schedules and alignments will be determined based on these procedures. Any deviations may result in teams being placed in higher or lower divisions.


8.2. Once a team roster reaches thirty-four (34) players, that team must be divided into two (2) teams. For divisions dividing into 2 teams, there must be a minimum of 28 players in an age group and that will make 14 players per team (unless waived by district liaison). All teams in the same age group may not have more than a 3-player difference on each team at the official weigh-in (Game Rules: Team Rosters 2.3)


8.3. “A” Level Players should be on “A” teams – Teams will be scheduled according to talent pools and not according to carpools, coaching alliances etc.


         8.3.1. Roster sized teams – Goal: facilitate playing time for all players. Small to medium sized rosters provide ample play time. Small roster 12 – 16 Players – Scouts thru PeeWees


         8.3.2. Medium roster 17 – 21 Players – MityMites, Gridirons


         8.3.3. Large rosters 22 – 24 Players – Bantams


         8.3.4. All divisions/teams may split at 28 district / division players.


         8.3.5. Team Designations/ Names


        A4 – 4 teams or more in

district/division – A4 is top team, B1 is second team, B2 – B6 teams.


        A3 – 3 teams in district/division – A2 is top team, C1 is the second team, C2 is the last team.


        A2 – 2 teams in district/division – A2 is top team, D2 team is the remaining players.


        A1 – 1 team in district/division – The only team in the district / division.


         8.3.6. B1 – 2nd Team – where 4 teams or more in district/division,


         8.3.7. B2 – B6 teams come from districts/divisions (should be drafted equally)


         8.3.8. C1 – 2nd Team


         8.3.9. C2 is the 3rd team


         8.3.10. D2 teams come from districts/divisions with A2 teams (2 teams in the district/division)


8.4. X-Men – Playing against teams with more X-men than your team does not make the game unsafe. X-men are not eligible to serve as running backs or receivers. They are restricted to playing as down linemen in a three-point stance.


8.5 Who Will Play Who? General Rule: Any team can play any other team regardless of designation. Matchups are determined by team talent level, not team name or designation.


8.6. Purpose: Designations (e.g., A1, B2, C1) are for scheduling purposes only and do not represent league or competitive standing. The goal is put as many competitive games as possible on the fields.


8.7. Examples

         8.7.1. B6 teams may play A1, B1, B4, or D2 teams.


         8.7.2. A1 teams may play A4, B1, C1, or D2 teams.


         8.7.3. Team designation reflects the size of the district/division but does not indicate relative strength.


8.8. Splitting 4 or More Teams in a District/Division


8.9. “A4” Team: Selects an entire roster (18-22 players, unless otherwise approved).


         8.9.1. Excludes only the Head Coach’s player from “B” teams.


         8.9.2. Can include up to 7 X players.


8.10. “B1” Team: Selects an entire roster (15-22 players).


         8.10.1. Includes Assistant Coaches’ players within the 15-22 player limit.


8.11. Can include up to 6 X players.


8.12. “B2-B6” Teams: Composed of remaining players in the division.


         8.12.1. Teams should have equal talent and minimal X players.


         8.12.2. X players must be evenly distributed among B2-B6 teams.


         8.12.3. Number designations (B2-B6) are for identification and scheduling purposes only.


8.13. Drafting Process for Larger Districts/Divisions with more than 3 teams: (Freezing done at the discretion of the individual districts)


         8.13.1. Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches may “freeze” 6-10 players from the prior year’s roster (includes HC/AC players and returning players with parental consent).


         8.13.2. New teams in the division may freeze 6-10 non-frozen players during the draft.


8.13.3. Remaining players are selected using a conventional or snake draft style.


8.14. Splitting 3 Teams in a District/Division


8.15. “A3” Team:

         8.15.1. Selects an entire roster (18-22 players, unless otherwise approved).


         8.15.2. Excludes only the “B” team’s Head Coach’s player.


         8.15.3. Can include up to 7 X players.


8.16. “C1” Team:


         8.16.1. Selects an entire roster (15-22 players).


         8.16.2. Assistant Coaches’ players must be within the 15-22 limit.


         8.16.3. Can include up to 6 X players.


8.17. “C2” Team:


         8.17.1. Composed of remaining players in the division.


8.18. Splitting 2 Teams in a District/Division


         8.18.1. Player Allocation: Total age group participants are divided equally between teams (e.g., 28 players = 14 per team).


8.19. “A2” Team:


         8.19.1. Selects an entire roster (14 players).


         8.19.2. Excludes only the “B7” team’s Head Coach’s player.


         8.19.3. Can include up to 7 X players.


         8.19.4. Designed as the most competitive team striving for Ute Conference Championships.


8.20. “D2” Team:


         8.20.1. Composed of remaining players (14 players).


         8.20.2. Limited inclusion of X players.


8.21. Coach and Player Freezing Rules

8.22. Declaration Requirements:

8.23. Committed or badged Assistant Coaches must be declared by the first day of tryouts.

8.24. Background checks for coaches must be completed by the Conference team count/split date.

8.25. Draft Equalization:

8.26. All teams must equalize at 6-10 frozen players, as determined by district boards.


Note – Your district officials have been trained on how this works. Contact them for further clarification

9.1. Scheduling district names, team designations, and draft guidelines are designed to facilitate competitive matchups. However, it is understood that not all games will be evenly matched. Teams are analyzed based on various factors during the scheduling process. Despite these efforts, large point disparities (e.g., 40-point blowouts) may still occur due to other variables.

9.2. Teams may not always have a home game during the season. While the conference strives to ensure every team has at least one home game, this is not always possible. Travel is an integral part of the conference and is necessary to facilitate competitive matchups.

9.3. Games will not be rescheduled due to extreme weather conditions.

9.4. Teams who have had games forfeited will not be made up by playing additional games.

9.5. Due to an unequal number of teams in each division, some teams may have a bye during the season. However, no two teams within the same division will ever have a bye at the same time

10.1. Check-In Location: Main District Tent or Siegfried and Jensen Tent

10.2. Arrival Requirements

         10.2.1. All teams, including home teams, must check in 30 minutes prior to the start of the game.

         10.2.2. The roster is a paper copy of the official Ute Conference document, stamped in red ink, listing all players and coaches. This roster must be presented at the designated check-in. Digital documents are not acceptable.


10.3. Teams that fail to present the roster at check-in will have until halftime to provide the document; otherwise, the game will be forfeited. In addition, the head coach of the team not presenting the roster will be suspended for the following game.


10.4. Player and Coach Check-In Process (For Home and Away Teams)

         10.4.1. The Head Coachmust present the following at check-in:

        The Certified Ute Conference roster


        All players, lined up in alphabetical order.

        All Assistant Coaches listed on the roster.


10.5. Verification by Hosting District Representative


         10.5.1. Roster Verification:


        Confirm that jersey numbers and players’ names match the certified roster.


        If jerseys do not have screen printed, sublimated, or embroidered names on the back of the jersey, name verification is required.


10.6. X Player Verification:

         10.6.1. Ensure all players marked as “X” on the roster have an “X” on their helmets.


10.7. Coach Badge Verification:

         10.7.1. Confirm all rostered coaches are wearing their Ute Conference badges.

        Ensure the name on the badge matches the certified roster.

        Remind all coaches that badges must remain visible throughout the game.


10.8. Late Player or Coach Protocol

         10.8.1. If a player or coach is late:

        The Head Coach must bring the roster and the late player or coach to the coin toss.

        The opposing team will complete the check-in for the late arrival.

11.1. All games are played under the rules and regulations of the National Federation of State High School Associations and all of its affiliated state and scholastic organizations, in addition to all specific Conference rules.

11.2. Each player will participate in all regular season, playoff and championship games.

         11.2.1. Each player shall participate in a minimum of ten (10) plays per game. Team coaches are responsible for ensuring that each player plays at least the minimum number of required plays.

        On the first offense, violation of Rule 11.2.1 will result in a one-game suspension for the head coach. 

        If, however, a coach prevents a player from playing for disciplinary or health reasons, any such reason must be presented to the district president in writing prior to any game in which the player does not participate. NOTE: Enforcement will be self-regulated by each district. Violation of this Section will not result in forfeiture of games, however the offending coach may be subject to disciplinary actions.

        A play is defined as any scrimmage play on offense, defense, or special teams, including kickoffs, kick returns, punts, and extra-point tries. It is any instance where players have the opportunity to run, block, or tackle.

11.3. Team Colors. Team colors are to be the colors chosen by the district.

         11.3.1. The district playing as the ”Away team” must wear its “White” jerseys.

         11.3.2. The district playing as the “Home team” must wear its “Dark” jerseys.

11.4. All teams will have their players in full uniform when on the field of play.

         11.4.1. No two jerseys having the same numeral from the same team will be allowed to participate on the field at the same time. Should it become necessary for jerseys to be changed during the game for any reason, the head official will have sole authority to approve or disapprove the changing of the jerseys, and if approved, will notify the opposing head coach of that change.

11.5. Coaches on the sideline are prohibited from using cameras, digital recording equipment, or any similar recording devices. This also includes tripods, gimbles, monopods and stabilizers.

11.6. Communication Between Coaches, Parents and Players During Games – Any type of device to include but not limited to: Cell Phones, Headsets, Helmets with Headsets, Walkie Talkies and any other device that can be used to communicate via text, speech, text-to-speech, or video is strictly forbidden during games.

         11.6.1. Any communication between Coaches, Parents and Players that gives one team a competitive advantage over its opponent is not allowed. Violation will result in disciplinary action to the offending team. Any such discipline will be meted out in the Ute Conference Executive Board discretion.

         11.6.2. Players are prohibited from using electronic communication devices inside their helmets or communicating electronically with coaches on the sidelines. Additionally, scout division coaches are not permitted to wear headsets on the field of play communicating electronically with coaches on sidelines.

11.7. The head coach must attend the pregame meeting/coin toss with his or her captains at midfield. The head coach is the only coach allowed at this meeting. In the absence of the head coach, any assistant coach who attends in the head coach’s place will be considered the head coach for the duration of the game.

11.8. Length of Game – The game shall consist of four (4) 15-minute, running-clock quarters, for all divisions and age classifications.

         11.8.1. The “Running-clock” format is defined as a continuously running field clock, which begins on the opening kick-off, until the last two (2) minutes of the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) quarters, with the exception of (i) team timeouts, (ii) official timeouts, and (iii) the “Margin of Victory Rule.”

        When there are two (2) minutes remaining in the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) quarters of each game, the official keeping time will announce a time warning to both teams. Thereafter, all High School rules and regulations pertaining to clock stoppage will apply.
 The game clock will stop whenever two or more officials convene to discuss rule enforcement. (Conference between referees has to exceed 15 seconds.) (Voted 02/03/2025)

         11.8.2. Halftime will be ten (10) minutes long. Eight (8) minutes after the start of halftime the captains will meet with the Officials on the field.

         11.8.3. Time clocks – The Referee in consultation of the clock operators will have the final say on all game time decisions.

         11.8.4. The time clock does not stop after the try for extra points unless a team calls a timeout or the running game time is under the 2 minute mark in the 2nd or 4th quarters.

11.9. Margin of Victory Rule – In all divisions, if one team is twenty-six (26) or more points ahead of their opponent, the clock will continuously run for the entire duration of the 2nd half, except during timeouts only.

         11.9.1. After the Margin of Victory Rule has triggered, the officials may stop the game with the consent of the coach with the fewest points, during the fourth quarter, and declare the score as final. This shall have no effect on Post-Season play since scores are not used as a tiebreaker.

         11.9.2. After the Margin of Victory Rule has triggered, the clock will continue to run unless and until the team with the lower score comes within 15 points of the other team, at which time the game will revert back to regular clock rules.

         11.9.3. Even after the Margin of Victory Rule has triggered, the officials will stop the running game clock to consult with each other on penalty enforcement.

11.10. Any injured player for whom the clock is stopped, or for whom the ready-for-play signal is delayed, shall be replaced for at least one (1) play. The injured player’s team shall not be charged with a time out.

11.11. Ball Placement. On an eighty (80) yard playing field, kickoff shall be from the thirty (30) yard line of the kicking team. The kickoff and receiving team(s) will have 40 seconds from the start of the game or the conclusion of the point-after attempt to kick the football. Both the kicking team and the receiving team must be set and ready to play within this time frame, or they will incur a 5-yard penalty.

         11.11.1. On an eighty (80) yard playing field, after a safety or a touchback, the ball shall be placed on the twenty (20) yard line in all divisions.

         11.11.2. After all touchdowns the offensive team will be given the choice of a 1 point or a 2-point extra point conversion.

        If the team selects a 2-point conversion the ball will be placed on the 5-yard line.

        If the team selects a 1-point conversion the ball will be placed on the 1 1/2-yard line.

        Once the selection has been made, the team cannot reverse its selection.

         11.11.3. Maximum Penalty. The maximum penalty for the teams of all classifications in the Conference which play on an (80) yard field shall be ten (10) yards per infraction with the exception that a 15-yard penalty can now be accessed for fouls that are deemed unnecessary or excessive.

        Unnecessary or excessive penalties include unsportsmanlike conduct, targeting, personal fouls, and dead ball penalties described in section 11.11.4 below.

         11.11.4. If a team, coach or non-player receives multiple dead ball penalties in a single play (e.g. Personal fouls) they can be marked off as multiples of fifteen (15) yard infractions. On a single play, and despite the commission of multiple dead ball penalties, a team cannot lose more than thirty (30) total yards.

         11.11.5. Appeals – There is no appeal process for any Ute Conference game, result, penalty, outcome, or play. All decisions during each game regarding rules and penalties shall be made by the referees at such games and shall be final.

12.1. Scout teams may have one (1) coach on the playing field when on offense and one (1) coach on the playing field when on defense.



         12.1.1. The coach may assist in positioning and instructing the players but cannot interfere with or participate in any way with gameplay.



         12.1.2. The offensive and defensive coaches must be positioned 10 yards behind the official at the snap of the ball and cannot participate in the play, including calling audible and plays once the players are at the line of scrimmage.


         12.1.3. Violation of these rules will result in the following: 1st warning counts as a sideline warning – 2nd warning results in a 5 yard penalty – 3rd warning results in a 15 yard penalty and ejection of the offending coach.



         12.1.4. If a coach from a scout team receives an unsportsmanlike conduct foul, the entire coaching staff loses the privilege of being on the field during games. This restriction will remain in place for the rest of the season, including the playoffs. All members of the coaching staff will be required to coach from the sidelines.



12.2. Gremlin teams will have the option on 4th down, to declare to the officials that they “are punting”. The officials will then notify the defensive team of this choice.



         12.2.1. If this declaration is made by the offensive team then the offensive team must line up in a normal punting formation.



        The furthest offensive player will be no wider than 15 yards from the ball.



        The offensive team will get a ‘free” snap to the punter. The “free” snap must be legal – going between the legs of the offensive center – and the ball must take a direct course of flight toward the punter who is standing directly behind the center. The Punter must immediately make an effort to gain possession of the ball, and once possession is obtained, he/she can take up to three (3) steps to punt the ball.



        There can be no rushing by the defensive players and no down field advance by the offensive players.



        All players are frozen until the ball is kicked. Once the ball is kicked, it becomes a “live ball” and normal play is resumed. The penalty for offensive or defensive violation of the “Freeze Punt” rule shall be ten (10) yards.



12.3. Scout Division:


         12.3.1. All kick offs, scrimmage kicks and free kicks are removed from the game for the Scout Division.


        Scouts will start possession of the ball at the 40-yard line.


        Each team is given four (4) downs to reach the line to gain or score.


        On all 4th down plays, the offense has the option to attempt to reach the line to gain a first down. If successful, the team will be awarded a new set of four (4) downs. Alternatively, teams may declare a “punt” on 4th down, forfeiting the play. In this case, the ball will be moved back to the 40-yard line, and possession will change to the opposing team. (Voted 02/03/2025)


        If the team does not reach the line to gain, the ball will go over to the other team and play will begin at the 40-yard line.


                If possession changes by virtue of a turnover (fumble / interception/turnover on downs) play will begin at the 40-yard line if the possession change occurs on the defensive half of the field. However, if the change of possession occurs on the offensive half of the field (such that the offense lost yards while in possession and turned the ball over behind the 40-yard line), play begins at the exact yard line at which the change of possession occurred.


Examples: (Change of Possession in Offensive Half). Play begins at the 40-yard line, and the ball carrier is tackled 5yards behind the line of scrimmage (5 yards behind the 40-yard line) and fumbles. The ball is recovered by the defense at the offense’s 35-yard line, where a change of possession occurs. The team that recovered the ball, and which is now on offense, is awarded the 5-yard advantage, meaning that play will resume with a first down at the 35-yard line for the new set of downs.


(Change of Possession in Defensive Half). Play begins at the 40-yard line, the ball carrier gains ten yards (advancing to the defense’s 30-yard line), at which point the ball carrier fumbles and the defense recovers. A change of possession occurs. Because the ball was recovered on the defensive half of the field, play resumes at the 40-yard line, where the recovering team will be on offense and have a first down.


        If the defensive teams tackles/sacks the offensive team in the offensive side of the field on fourth down and there is the ball is turned over for not achieving the line to gain, the defensive team will take possession of the ball at the yard line at which the tackle/sack occurred.


        Turnover (fumble / interception) advanced by the defensive team for a touchdown. It is scored as a touchdown, and the defensive team will be able to try for the extra point. Ball goes back to the 40 and the originating offensive team starts a new series of downs. Defensive team who just scored goes back on defense.



        Scout Game Specifics


                Scouts may only have 4 down defensive linemen at the line of scrimmage. X men must be in a 3-point stance.


                No down lineman or linebacker may start or lineup in the A Gaps or Head Up on the center as a Nose Tackle.


                Linebackers (1 or 2) may line up at least 2 yards off the ball head up on the center or in the A gaps and stunt from a position through the A gaps.


                A center may not be hit (protection like a punt) until he has sufficient time to regain balance and face the defenders.


                Alignment warning without penalty may be given to the defense by the officials. If a defense commits an alignment violation after receiving a warning from the officials, the officials may impose a 5-yard penalty on the defense.


                Any contact deemed defenseless by the official will carry the unsportsman like conduct foul.


                Offense may run wedge plays or QB sneaks.

13.1. Except as otherwise modified in these Game Rules, the Ute Conference follows the current NFHS football rule book, including any duly-adopted modifications or amendments thereto.

14.1. Team Sportsmanship – Ute Conference Sportsmanship is an aspiration that football as an activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one’s competitors.


         14.1.1. No team (pregame, postgame, win or lose) will be allowed to form up and take part in any activity that exhibits poor sportsmanship, intimidating behavior, or which is intended to taunt, threaten or disparage an opponent. Such activities including but are not limited to jumping jacks, HAKA dance, and tribal dances.


14.2. UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR: No player or coach, substitution, athletic trainer, parents or other team attendant including chain crew shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner once the game officials assume authority for the contest.


         14.2.1. Unsportsmanlike conduct fouls that occur while the ball is live are treated as dead ball fouls. These include such infractions as:


        Abusive or insulting language, profanity, taunting, and inciting a spectator, player, or coach.


        Attempt to influence a decision by a game official.


        Abusive or insulting language, profanity, taunting a game official.


        Using tobacco or any kind of electronic cigarettes or inhaling device.


        Head coach’s failure to verify to officials that all players on the team are legally equipped.


        Players using disconcerting acts or words prior to the snap in an attempt to interfere with offensive play cadence, signals, or movements.


        Actions that generate ill will (Haka dancing, jumping jacks facing the opposing team, tribal dances, etc.)


        Spiking the ball, throwing the ball high in the air from the field of play or end zone, or failure to return the ball immediately to a nearby official.


        Kicking the ball other than on a legal kick.


        Coaches or other sideline personnel entering the field of play without permission from an official.


        Any delayed, excessive, or prolonged act by which a player attempts to focus attention upon themselves. This includes but is not limited to touchdown celebrations.


        A player, parent or coach leaving the bench during a fight.


        Players changing jersey numbers from those listed on the official team roster.


        Coaches entering the field or being on the sideline without a UC issued coaches badge.


        Coaches or Parents removing the “X” from a players helmet.




         14.3.1. Incorrect or Incomplete Roster – Starting Game 1 of regular season and continuing throughout the season: If a roster presented at check-in for any game is incorrect or incomplete, the team with the incorrect or incomplete roster will forfeit the game, and the Head Coach will be ejected for that game and suspended for the following game.


         14.3.2. Teams that fail to complete the check-in process as required by the rules may be subject to forfeiture, as determined by the Ute Conference executive board in its sole discretion.


         14.3.3. If a Head Coach is ejected, and this is his or her first ejection, he or she will be ineligible for the next (1) game. The Head Coach’s son(s)/daughter(s) on that same team will not be eligible to participate in the next (1) game.


         14.3.4. If an Assistant Coach is ejected, and this is his or her first ejection, he or she will be ineligible for the next (3) games. The Assistant Coach’s son(s)/daughter(s) on that same team will not be eligible to participate in the next (1) game.


         14.3.5. If a Parent is ejected, and this is his or her first ejection, he or she will be ineligible for the next (3) games. The Parent son(s)/daughter(s) on that same team will not be eligible to participate in the next (1) game.


         14.3.6. If a Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Parent is ejected a second time during a single season, that person is ineligible to (i) coach for the remainder of the season and shall be removed from the roster or (ii) attend the team’s games. The player will still be eligible to participate.


         14.3.7. When a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Chain Crew Member, Parent, or Spectator is ejected from a game, they must immediately leave the premises for the rest of the day.


         14.3.8. If a parent engages in unsportsmanlike behavior without being ejected but continues to display such conduct, disciplinary action may be taken against the Head Coach for failing to control their sideline. The Head Coach may be ejected from the current game and will be ineligible to participate in the next game. The Head Coach’s son(s) on that same team will not be penalized for this infraction.

  Disciplinary action will be attributed to the Head Coach for allowing unbadged or unauthorized individuals—such as camera operators, ball boys, or water boys—behind the ropes, in the coaches’ box, or on the sidelines will result in an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty charged to the Head Coach, along with a 15-yard penalty assessed to the offending team. Any additional actions or penalties will be directed at the offending coach. Only coaches and players listed on the roster of the team that is currently playing are permitted on the sidelines. (Voted 02/03/2025)


         14.3.9. Head Coaches who permit camera operators or unauthorized individuals inside the ropes will be ejected from the current game and will be ineligible to participate in the next game. The Head Coach’s son(s) on that team will not be penalized for this infraction.


         14.3.10. Parents, players, and coaches who leave the bench during a fight will be immediately ejected from the game. Individuals identified by video or the host board of directors will be ineligible to participate in the next three (3) games, and their son(s) on that team will also be ineligible for the next one (1) game. Anyone else found to be inciting the situation will be subject to the same penalty even if they do not enter the field. Any player who participates in a fight will be immediately ejected and ineligible to participate in the next three (3) games. The penalties in this section will roll over from year to year.


         14.3.11. A player who uses a religious or racial slur during a Ute Conference activity, whether during practice or a game, including but not limited to the “N” word or any of its variations, will be automatically ejected from the game/practice, suspended for a minimum of four (4) games, and prohibited from practicing for two weeks following the ejection. This rule applies to all Ute Conference players, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, or ethnicity. The penalties in this section will roll over from year to year.


14.4. Players caught removing the “X” from a helmet to play a different position will suspended for a minimum of four (4) games, and prohibited from practicing for two weeks following the ejection.


14.5. If a player is ejected, they may remain on the sidelines with their team, but must remove their shoulder pads and helmet. They may also be on the sidelines during the next scheduled game but may not wear any part of their uniform or Ute Conference-issued equipment other than their team jersey. Player must present himself at the check in prior to the game with the team to be eligible to stand on the sideline.


14.6. The Ute Conference Executive Board, in its sole discretion, reserves the authority to administer penalties, adjust penalties, either by increasing or decreasing them, based on the specific circumstances of each situation. All discipline imposed by the Ute Conference Executive Board, whether under this section or under any other section of the program rules, is final. No coach, parent, player, or spectator has any appeal, review, or reconsideration rights. There is no time limit that absolves an offense once it has occurred.

15.1. A player is eligible to play in the district in which the player resides as of the date the player is weighed-in and placed on an official roster. The district of residence of a player is the district in which the custodial parent or legal guardian resides with the player or the district in which the player resides (a) while in the custody or under the supervision of a Utah state agency, or (b) while under the supervision of a private or public agency which is duly authorized by the State of Utah to provide child placement services. For purposes of these Rules, residence requires two elements: (1) bodily presence at a domicile (2) with the intention of remaining in that place more or less indefinitely. “Indefinitely,” for purposes of this Rule, shall have an ordinary dictionary meaning, namely “not definite,” “not precise,” and “having no exact limits.” Moving into a district temporarily for the purpose of establishing residency for a player to play football does not satisfy those elements. Subject to the foregoing, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence, the residence or domicile of a player will be determined in accordance with the following standards: (a) the residence of a player is normally that of the player’s father, or if the father is dead, that of the player’s mother; (b) if both parents are dead, then the player’s residence is that of the duly appointed guardian; and (c) if the parents are separated or divorced, except as provided herein, a player’s district of residence is the district of residence of the parent to whom custody is awarded and with whom the player lives a majority of each month of the year. A player whose parents or guardian move into a district to establish a permanent residence is eligible to register in that district, subject to the time limitations outlined below. A player properly listed on an official roster will not become ineligible to play the remainder of the current football season merely because the parents or guardian subsequently remove their legal residence from the district unless the parents or guardian originally moved into the district as a pretext to gain residence for the player to play football for the district. If the custody of a player has been granted to any person by court order or by foster placement made by a licensed child placement agency with a resident family in a district, the residency of the person to whom custody was awarded constitutes the residency of the player. Any dispute regarding the residency of a player will be resolved by the Ute Conference Executive Board.

15.2. A player whose residence changes from one district to another prior to the time that player (i) weighs in and (ii) is placed on an official roster shall change his or her registration to the new district in which he or she resides and play in that district. In the event that a player’s permanent residence changes to a different district during the season, the player shall complete the year in the district in which the player was eligible to register as of the date the player is weighed-in and placed on an official roster. As provided herein, Juan Diego, District 31, encompasses all Catholic parishes within the State of Utah. All other district boundaries coincide with local high school boundaries. Consequently, each player resides in two districts, namely the district that coincides with the local high school boundaries in which the player resides and the Juan Diego District. A new player may register in one of those two districts. However, once a player has properly registered, the district of registration is that player’s district. Unless the player subsequently moves in satisfaction of the requirements herein to a different local high school district, the player will not be allowed to register and play in a different district, except that a Juan Diego player may transfer to the district that coincides with the local high school boundaries where the player resides after having “redshirted” one full football season by not playing Ute Conference football. Similarly a player may transfer from the district which is defined by the local high school boundaries where the player resides to the Juan Diego District after “redshirting” and not playing Ute Conference football for at least one full season. Any player, other than a player properly registered in the Juan Diego District, who moves to a new residence which is not within the same district as the district in which the player previously registered and played will, except as otherwise provided above, be required thereafter to register in the new district of residence. A player whose parents are divorced or legally separated at the time of registration, and whose parents live in separate local high school districts, may play in either district, provided the parents furnish the Conference with a copy of the legal document which establishes joint legal custody. If a single parent has sole legal custody, the player must play in the district in which the parent with sole legal custody resides.

15.3. District boundaries shall coincide with the formal high school boundaries as established by the various school districts as of May 1st of each year, except as otherwise indicated on the Ute Conference’s official boundary map, which can be located at https://boundaries.utefootball.org/. The only exceptions are as follows: The Juan Diego district shall include the area within all Catholic Parishes within the State of Utah. Except as otherwise specified in these Rules, there shall be no waivers of the district residency requirement. In the event of a change of high school boundaries from those existing as of May 1 of each year, the Ute Conference district boundaries shall not be changed except by action by the Executive Board in accordance with these Rules, recognizing the newly established boundaries and making provision for each player’s eligibility and redistricting as necessary. It shall be the responsibility of each player and each Ute Conference district to ensure that players registered in a Ute Conference district actually reside in that district and players and/or districts violating this rule shall be subject to disciplinary action as provided in these Rules.

15.4. A coach may be recruited from anywhere, but his or her son(s)/daughter(s) must play for the district within which the son(s)/daughter(s) resides.

15.5. In the event a district does not field any team in a particular age-weight classification as defined in herein, the player may, at his/her option, (1) play in the next higher classification in his/her “home district”, or (2) compete for any adjacent district of his/her choosing in his/her designated age-weight classification. For the avoidance of doubt, an “adjacent district” is strictly limited to only those district(s) having geographical boundaries immediately bordering the district in which the player resides. The player must be registered with his/her home district prior to any decision of the team not being fielded, and only those players who are registered are permitted to move. All players must return to their home district the following year if their home district fields a team in their age-weight classification. A player is also eligible to “Z” down if the “Z” down criteria is met. Once a player plays for an adjacent district, that player may not play for any district other than (i) their home district, if the home district fields a team in their age-weight classification or (ii) the adjacent district the player previously played for. If a player plays for one adjacent district, and then chooses in a subsequent year to play for either (i) another adjacent district or (ii) the Juan Diego district, the player must “redshirt”—meaning the player may not play at all—for one full Ute Conference season before being allowed to play in another adjacent district or the Juan Diego district.

15.6. In the event a district is dissolved, a player may, at his/her option, play in any adjacent district of his/her choosing in his/her designated age-weight classification. An “adjacent district” for purposes of this section shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 15.5 above. Once a player chooses an adjacent district, he/she may not change to (i) another adjacent district or (ii) the Juan Diego district unless he/she redshirts (sits out) one complete football season or has physically and permanently moved into a different district. If the district boundaries are changed or the player’s home district is revived such that there is a district where the player permanently resides, he/she must abide by the boundary change and return to play at their home district.

In the event two or more districts are merged into a single district by vote of a majority of district presidents with the Conference, the newly-formed district’s boundaries shall be comprised of the aggregate boundaries of all districts that were merged. A merger is not a dissolution, and players residing within the merged district’s boundaries shall play for the merged district, because the merged district is the player’s home district. Subject to the provisions of Section 15.5 above, players residing within a merged district may not elect to play in or for an adjacent district. Thus, if a merged district fields a team within a player’s age-weight classification, the player must play for the merged district’s team.

15.7. Should a player inadvertently, but innocently, register in a district other than the district of his or her residence, that player will be given the option of either (i) transferring to the district of residence and playing the remainder of the season on either an “A” or “B” team as determined by the district of residence or (ii) receiving a proportionate refund of the paid registration fee determined by the district president and approved by the Ute Conference Executive Board. In the event that a player knowingly registers in a district other than the player’s district of residency without complying with the requirements provided herein, upon discovery, that player shall receive a proportionate refund of the player’s registration fee (again determined by the district president and approved by the Executive Board) and shall be banned from participating on any team in the Ute Conference for the remainder of the season. If a player, regardless of whether the original registration in the wrong district was inadvertent or intentional, attempts to cover up that player’s true residency by falsifying the player’s home address or by providing other false or misleading information to either the Ute Conference or any district, in addition to being ineligible to play for any Ute Conference team that year, the player shall also be banned from participation the year following. For purposes of the penalty set forth in this subsection, the conduct of a player’s parents or legal guardian shall be attributed and chargeable to the player. Any coach who knowingly recruits players who do not satisfy the residency requirement for that coach’s team, or who knowingly allows a player who does not meet the residency requirement to play or continue to play on the team will, upon detection, be ineligible to coach the remainder of that season in any capacity, either as head coach or as an assistant. If the coach has attempted to cover up the residency deception by providing false or misleading information to any district or Ute Conference official, the ban from coaching shall be extended, at the Executive Board’s discretion, by at least one additional year. In an extreme case, the ban may be a lifetime ban from coaching. If district officials knowingly participate in concealing a residency violation, the district may be subject to sanctions as determined by the Ute Conference Executive Committee, including but not limited to suspension or probation and the ineligibility of some or all of the district’s teams from participating in post season tournament play, at the sole discretion of the Ute Conference Executive Board. In addition, Ute Conference sanctions against any player who does not live in the district and has not satisfied the requirements herein to play for the district may include forfeiture of any games in which such ineligible player participated.

15.8. Any district(s) that submits a claim or allegation to the Ute Conference alleging that another district(s) is violating a Ute Conference Rule shall submit the allegation in writing (either by letter or email) and pay a $250 investigation fee to the Ute Conference. If the allegation comes from a district board, the $250 fee will automatically be deducted from the balance sheet of the district(s) submitting the claim. Proof of the accusation, along with any necessary documentation supporting the accusation must be submitted to Ute Conference at the time of the written claim. The district(s) who is being accused of violating the Ute Conference’s residency rules will have five (5) calendar days to respond to the claim in writing.. If the accused district(s) denies the claim, the accuser will have five (5) calendar days to submit to the Ute Conference Executive Board evidence supporting their claim, after which the accused district will have five (5) calendar days to submit to the Ute Conference Executive Board evidence supporting their defense. The Ute Conference Executive Board will then review the evidence and render a decision. The Executive Board may render a decision based solely on the evidence provided and with or without holding any sort of formal hearing. If the Ute Conference Executive Board determines there was a violation, the accused district(s) will be subject to penalties, which the Ute Conference Executive Board may impose in its sole discretion. In addition to such penalties, the accused district(s) will be required to pay the $250 investigative fee the Ute Conference. This amount will be automatically deducted from the balance sheet of the defending district(s). Also this amount will be automatically (i) refunded to the balance sheet of the district(s) who originally submitted the claim or (ii) refunded to the accusing individual. If the Ute Conference Executive Board determines there was no violation, the $250 investigative fee will be used by the Ute Conference and placed in the general Scholarship fund. Any violation reported after October 1 of a particular year will not be reviewed or decided until the Ute Conference Executive Board’s January meeting, at the earliest. All Ute Conference Executive Board determinations made under this section are final and binding. There is no appeal process or procedure for reconsideration.

15.9. Recruiting: Coaches and other district officials are encouraged to recruit boys and girls residing within their district boundaries. However, a player who has participated in the Ute Conference for the player’s district of residence within the past 12 months and has not changed his or her residence to a new local high school district may not be recruited by or on behalf of a district other than the district where the player most recently registered. All such players are “returning players”. Attempting to recruit returning players “out of district” is forbidden and may result in discipline for the recruiting coach or official, the improperly recruited returning player, and the recruiting district.

15.10 Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a player in ninth grade (9th grade) utilizes Utah’s open-enrollment system to enroll in a high school that is different from the high school affiliated with the player’s residence, that player may play that season (his or her 9th grade season) for the Bantam team in the Ute Conference district that corresponds with the high school at which the player attends. By way of example, if a player who lives within the Brighton High School boundaries enrolls at Alta High School for his/her 9th grade year, that player may play that season for the Bantam team in the Conference’s district that corresponds with Alta High School’s boundaries (whether that district is named “Alta” or something else). This limited exception applies only to the 9th grade player enrolled in high school. It does not apply to 9th graders enrolled at a middle school of their choosing, nor to any siblings of a 9th grader enrolled in high school. The Ute Conference will not under any circumstances entertain or grant any requests for deviance, including without limitation requests to accommodate siblings, middle school enrollees, carpools, or commute times. (Voted 02/03/2025)

Live Streaming Schedule

Past Streams

Join our CORE Team

Are you passionate about supporting youth sports and making a positive impact on the community? We are currently seeking a 1099 Contractor who has experience in running youth sports organizations. Seeking someone who is passionate at assisting in moving the UC forward with our existing team.

Note: UCR’s, Presidents, and Board Members of current districts along with current coaches in the UC will not be considered. Past presidents, coaches and board members will be considered.


– Minimum of 3 years of youth sports experience.
– Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
– Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a team.

Types of working projects and requirements:

1. Social Media Management:
   – Develop and maintain social media presence.
   – Create engaging content to promote events, achievements, and community involvement.

2. Database Management:
   – Handle data entry and maintenance of the organization’s database.
   – Ensure accurate and up-to-date information for players, coaches, and volunteers.

3. Spreadsheet Expertise:
   – Proficient in Excel for tracking and analyzing various data points.
   – Assist in creating and managing game schedules and platforms, assist in tournaments and referee placement.

4. Graphic Design Skills:
   – Utilize Adobe Illustrator for designing promotional materials, banners, and graphics.
   – Collaborate with the marketing team to enhance visual content.
   – Create and collaborate in the uniform design process.

5. Basic Accounting Knowledge:
   – Support the finance team with basic accounting tasks.
   – Assist in budget tracking, and financial reporting.


– Strong organizational and multitasking skills.
– Proficiency in social media platforms and content creation.
– Experience with database management and data entry.
– Advanced skills in Microsoft Excel for spreadsheet management.
– Familiarity with Adobe Illustrator for graphic design.
– Basic accounting knowledge is a plus.


1. If I provide any false statements or material misrepresentations on my background check, or if my background check responses are materially incomplete or misleading;

2. If I fail or refuse to complete the background screening process;

3. If my name appears on any sex offender registries;

4. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for any sexual offense or acts of sexual misconduct, irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

5. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for any felony classified or deemed to be a “violent” felony, irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

6. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for child abuse or domestic violence, (excluding Class B or C child abuse or domestic violence convictions) irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

7. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for drug or alcohol related offenses (excluding Class B or C DUI convictions), irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

8. If I have any other felony conviction within the past seven (7) years;

9. If I have any other misdemeanor conviction (class A) within the past two (2) years;

10. If I have any pending and unresolved felony or misdemeanor (class A) charges;


1. If I provide any false statements or material misrepresentations on my background check, or if my background check responses are materially incomplete or misleading;

2. If I fail or refuse to complete the background screening process;

3. If my name appears on any sex offender registries;

4. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for any sexual offense or acts of sexual misconduct, irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

5. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for any felony classified or deemed to be a “violent” felony, irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

6. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for child abuse or domestic violence, (excluding Class B or C child abuse or domestic violence convictions) irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

7. If I have any conviction (including a guilty plea or plea in abeyance or a plea of nolo contendere) for drug or alcohol related offenses (excluding Class B or C DUI convictions), irrespective of the date or whether the conviction was for a felony or misdemeanor;

8. If I have any other felony conviction within the past seven (7) years;

9. If I have any other misdemeanor conviction (class A) within the past two (2) years;

10. If I have any pending and unresolved felony or misdemeanor (class A) charges;

2024 Media Team Application

Opening April 2024



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Coaches Certification Will Open March 1st.

This page is coming soon!

Contact Us

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Media Team Application

The UC has 12 AI cameras that require camera techs to operate. These cameras are not the typical sport cameras and provide 4K broadcasting quality recordings. Minimum requirements for this position are:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Reliable transportation
  • Great communication skills including the ability to talk to strangers
  • Must pass a background check and UC Photographer/Videographer Certification course


  • Set up, start, and monitor AI Cameras on Saturdays during the 2023 UC Season.
  • Troubleshoot cameras if technical problems arise.
  • Deliver media to the UC via web upload


Compensation: $18/hr

Photographer & Videographer
Please select a valid form

Media Team Application

The UC has 12 AI cameras that require camera techs to operate. These cameras are not the typical sport cameras and provide 4K broadcasting quality in their video. You must meet the minimum qualifications:

  • At least 18 years of age


  • Take photos/video (depending on role) of various youth football games on Saturdays.
  • May be asked to operate camera gear provided by the UC.
  • Deliver media to the UC via web upload

Compensation: Depends on Experience

Photographer & Videographer
Please select a valid form

First Aid/CPR/AED Classes

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Login To Your Parent Account

Please report any errors in the registration process
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Air Raid Tournaments

Parent Code Of Conduct
We, the Ute Conference, have implemented the following Parent Code of Conduct Agreement for the important message it holds about the proper role of parents in supporting their child in sports. Parents should read, understand this form prior to their child participating in our program.

Any parent guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the facility and be suspended for the remainder of that game and three (3) additional games. Your player will also be suspended for one (1) full game following the incident. Repeat violations may cause season ending suspensions. I therefore agree:

My role as a parent is as follows:
1. I understand I am not a coach. Therefore I agree to cheer on my player without interfering with instructions given by the coach.
2. I understand I am not an official. Therefore I agree to let the official(s)/referee(s) call the game without interference. Understanding that they may make some calls that I don't agree with.
3. I understand I am not a player. Therefore I will never enter the field of play without being invited by the head coach or district official(s).

Parents, coaches, players, and referees may only act in a singular role during a game. They may not act in dual roles (i.e. An individual acting as both a coach and a referee; An individual acting as both a parent and a coach; etc...)

I also agree to abide by the following:
1. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the games are for the youth, not adults.
2. I will remember that “wins” are based on my child’s performance, teamwork, and playing within the rules.
3. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing, taunting, or using profane language or gestures.
4. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a game.
5. I will respect officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront officials or coaches at the field. I understand that it is impossible for any referee to catch everything that goes on during such a fast-paced game as football. Watching from the stands or the bench is not the same as watching and following the game on the field. Shouting abuse at officials does not contribute to the game, it only communicates to those around us that we need to prove to others how much we know about the game by belittling the official. During the season everyone should expect some mistakes made by players, coaches and officials during games.
6. If I wish to calmly discuss the actions of the coach, I will wait 24-hours before calling the coach to make arrangements for a face-to-face discussion. No coach is required to listen to complaints over the phone or directly following a game or practice.
7. If I have a concern that I am unable to resolve with our coach (after observing the 24-hour rule) I will contact the appropriate person within the Ute Conference Football organization.
8. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.
9. I will insure that my child will attend all games and practices. When attendance is not possible, I agree to inform the coach or team manager in advance.
10. I will remember coaches are not babysitters. Parents are ultimately responsible for the actions of their child while at the field or any other team function.
11. I will control non-playing children for their own safety and comfort of others.
12. Conduct Subject to Discipline:
A. Making physical contact with any player, coach, official, league representative, field personnel or spectator.
B. Taunting or threatening any player, coach, official, league representative, football personnel or spectator.
C. Using profane and/or vulgar language or mannerisms.
F. Going onto the playing field.
G. Being involved in any activity that would warrant the summoning of law enforcement officials.
H. Any other conduct that is not in compliance with the bylaws of the Ute Conference Football program.

I agree that if I fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action as stated above.

Electronic Signature Agreement
Electronic Signature – Registration Form and Receipt will be completed at the end of the signup process by virtue of and electronic signature. You hereby consent to all the Bylaws, Policies Terms and Conditions of The Ute Conference, Inc. Understanding that prior to completion you have every right to withdraw and sign up in person. A $25.00 in person registration fee may be assessed by the Districts. All completed registration forms will be stored in the Ute Conference database archives. Completed Electronic Signature will appear as signed on the registration form.

Registration Terms and Conditions
Ute Conference Terms and Conditions – Online Signup Page 1
For Players Ages 7 – 14 years old (age on July 1, current year)

District Boundaries – I/we understand that the Ute Conference District boundaries coincide with the High School boundaries in which my son or daughter resides. I/we acknowledge that I/we am responsible for verifying that he/she is registered within said Conference districts. Penalties for playing out of the appropriate Conference district can be imposed on an entire team including forfeiture of any games a wrongfully registered player participated in and possible elimination from playoffs for an entire team.

Equipment– We agree to be fully responsible for the return of the items of equipment issued to the above named player. All equipment will be returned in a reasonable condition, with only normal wear and tear when requested to do so by District or Conference Officer or pay the replacement value of $350.00. No equipment will be accepted after December 31st of current season/year. If the equipment is not returned by December 31st collection responsibilities will be turned over to an outside agency for immediate collection of the stated value of $350.00, plus all costs of collection, including a reasonable attorney fee plus interest. A player quitting prior to the end of the season will have 2 weeks to return equipment to District Officer or it will be turned over to an outside agency for immediate collection actions as stated.

Red Shirt – Be advised that a player previously registered to play in the Juan Diego District may not register to play in the district in which he/she resides until they have “red shirted” (not participated) for one season. The same rule applies to a player who has been playing in the district they currently reside in and wishes to register in the Juan Diego district. This “RED SHIRT” rule can be suspended only in the event of a player physically moving residency from one district to another prior to changing registration as previously stated.

Age Requirement – I/we further represent that my son or daughter is in fact the actual age as represented above and understand that their eligibility to participate is determined by his/her age. The age of your player on September 1, of current year determines age classification elgibility

Team Placement – I/we also understand that the team my child participates on and the coach they play for is determined solely by the team coaches and District Officers unless special circumstances require intervention on the Conference level.

Insurance Coverage – I/We understand that the Ute Conference, Inc. provides catastrophic medical insurance coverage for injuries sustained while participating in any sanctioned practice or games. Coverage becomes primary for uninsured players. There is a deductible ($250.00) and maximum payout per accident. All claims must be submitted no later than 60 days after the date of the accident.

Liability Release – In consideration of the acceptance of my application for participation in the above activity, I hereby waive, release, and forever discharge the Ute Conference, Inc., their districts, sponsors, organizers, officers, team coaches, supervisors, assistants, and those transporting participants to and from the above-described activity from any and all damages, risks, hazards, and personal injury to my child named above as participant incidental to the above described activity which may hereafter result or accrue as a result of participation in said activity. This release is intended to release and discharge in advance those based on negligence or carelessness, but not for intentional torts or intentionally causing injury. I understand that the above activity involves an element of danger and risk of injury. I hereby assume those risks, known or unknown to me. Furthermore, I voluntarily clearly and unequivocally agree to assume those risks, with the realization that I have the alternative of choosing not to have my child participate in this activity. It is further understood and agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

VIDEO, PHOTOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE – By participating or allowing my son or daughter to participate in any of the activities contemplated or described herein, I hereby understand, acknowledge, consent, and agree that the Ute Conference may, in its sole discretion, use all photographs, videos, illustrations, and/or digital images taken or captured by the Ute Conference or its agents at, during, and/or while travelling to or from Ute Conference activities for the Ute Conference’s promotional or advertising purposes, including without limitation on social media sites and in other digital or print media. I, my agents, executors, heirs, representatives, beneficiaries, administrators, trustees, and assigns, hereby waive, release, remise, and forever discharge the Ute Conference, Inc., its affiliates, agents, representatives, districts, sponsors, organizers, officers, team coaches, supervisors, assistants, and all those individuals transporting participants to and from the above-described activities from any and all damages, risks, liabilities, claims, harm, or injury that arise from or relate to the Ute Conference’s use of such photographs, videos, illustrations, or digital images. I understand and agree that all photographs, videos, illustrations, and digital images described in this paragraph are owned exclusively by the Ute Conference. Further, I understand and agree that neither I, my spouse, nor my son or daughter are entitled to any fees, payments, royalties, or wages for appearing in any Ute Conference promotional, advertising, or social media materials or postings. I hereby agree to assume all risks associated with appearing in any Ute Conference promotional or advertising materials or postings and acknowledge that I have the alternative of choosing not to participate or have my child participate in a Ute Conference activity.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Privacy Notice – Your player(s) information has been entered into Ute Conference, Inc. website. The information collected is directly from the parent/guardian. The personal information provided is for team rostering and administration of the player. No information will be disclosed to third parties; any business and or mailing lists. The operators of this website will not require more information than is reasonably necessary for the participation in our football league. The parent/guardian can review the player(s) personal information at any time.

Consent for Medical Treatment – I hereby give my consent to have the above participant receive first aid and medical treatment or to be treated by a physician or surgeon in case of accident or injury while participating in the above activity. I understand I am responsible for the deductible ($250.00) associated with coverage under the current insurance plan. I further understand that costs of medical care, which exceed the limit of applicable coverage, will be at my expense. The location of the activity and/or the nature of the illness or injury may require the use of emergency medical personnel.

Refund Policy – No exceptions will be made for this policy: Prior to 1st day of practice, a full refund less the $25 fee (Online, Administration and Organizational Costs) will be refunded. No refund will be given after the first day of practice as defined in the Ute Conference Bylaws. Refunds will only be issued after all equipment has been returned to the district. You must provide a copy of your registration receipt in order to receive a Refund.

Sales Policy – All Sales of merchandise from districts are Final and Non Refundable.

Communication Preferences- You consent to receive SMS messages (including text messages), and telephone calls (including prerecorded and artificial voice and autodialed) from us, our agents, representatives, affiliates, or anyone communicating on our behalf at the specific number(s) you have provided to us, with service-related information, questions about your use of the Services, and/or Even Account and marketing information. You certify, warrant, and represent that the telephone number you have provided to us is your contact number and not someone else’s. You represent that you are permitted to receive calls and text messages at the telephone number you have provided to us. You agree to promptly alert us whenever you stop using a telephone number. Even and our agents, representatives, affiliates, and anyone calling on our behalf may use such means of communication described in this section even if you will incur costs to receive such phone messages, text messages, e-mails, or other means. Standard message and data rates may apply to all SMS messages (including text messages). We may modify or terminate our SMS messaging services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice, including the right to terminate SMS messaging with or without notice, without liability to you. Additionally you consent to receive email communications through the email address provided with your completed registration.