All equipment will be picked up at Wasatch High School Stadium on the following Dates:
July 13th 8 am to noon
July 20th 8am to noon
July 22nd 5pm to 8 pm
Practice Officially starts July 25th, but with Holiday and Derby some coaches may start the following Monday. We Will have more information soon.
Bantam: WHS practice Field
GridIron: Wasatch School District Office Field
Mity Mite: Old Mill Elementary
PeeWee: Midway Elementary
Gremlin: TBD
Scout: TBD
Fields are subject to change depending on teams sizes.
How can you help. There are numerous ways to help out in the district.
Home Football weekends keeping scores and running chains for your team.
Team Mom help coordinate team events and game needs.
Coaches we are always seeking out help to coach the youth and inspirer them to learn and grow through the sport of football.
Board Members get behind the scenes of the district and conference and help plan out the season.
Thanks to all who show support.
To register a player you need to have a parent account. Create a parent account by clicking HERE.
Fees can vary by district. Please check your district fees by clicking HERE.
The age of a player for the playing season shall be his/her attained age as of July 1, of that year. 7 year old scouts playing age
for the season shall be his/her attained age as of September 1, of that year. A player turning 8 after July 1 and before
September 1 of current year will have the option to play in the Scout division. This will require parental consent of the player.
The following chart establishes the age and weight classifications for all Ute Conference divisions:
Age Group | X Weight | Z Weight | Y Weight |
Scout – Ages 7, 8 | 85 lbs | No Z Downs | “Y” UP for 8 yr olds with Parental Consent. District and Liaison have final approval for this age group. NO “Y” UP for 7 yr olds. |
Gremlin – Age 9 | 95 lbs | 70 lbs | “Y” UP Parental Consent |
Pee Wee – Age 10 | 105 lbs | 80 lbs | “Y” UP Parental Consent |
Mity Mite – Age 11 | 125 lbs | 100 lbs | “Y” UP Parental Consent |
Gridiron – Age 12 | 135 lbs | 110 lbs | “Y” UP Parental Consent |
Bantam – Ages 13, 14 | 165 lbs | No Z Down | “Y” UP Parental Consent |
Official team practice may begin on July 25th of each year, unless the 24th of July falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. In these cases practice will begin on the Monday following the 24th. Each District may decide to start later than this date. Check with your district president for start dates. First Contact practice is the 3rd scheduled practice day.
I/We understand that the Ute Conference, Inc. provides catastrophic medical insurance coverage for injuries sustained while participating in any sanctioned practice or games. Coverage becomes primary for uninsured players. There is a 250.00 deductible that is subject to change by year and maximum payout per accident. Parents are responsible for all deductibles and medical care of the participant. All claims must be submitted no later than 60 days after the date of the accident. All claims submitted by the parents at the time of treatment.
The games begin in mid August and continue each Saturday for a minimum of 8 weeks (9 weeks depending on game schedule). Games will be played on Labor Day and during fall breaks. Games will not be changed because the University of Utah is playing at the same time. Playoffs conclude by early November.
Saturday game times: 9:00 am, 10:40 am, 12:20 pm, 2:00 pm and 3:40 pm
Each player must play a minimum of 10 plays in every game. A play is constituted as any time the official puts the ball in play.
Contact your district president for more details.
You play where you live. Your player will play in the high school district boundaries that you reside in. Example: If you live in the Highland High School boundaries, that is where you play. Only exception to this rule is Juan Diego. Juan Diego boundaries are the State of Utah.
*No Waivers
*No Discussion
*1 year red shirt rules apply to move back to home district. Players caught out of boundaries are subject to suspension. Coaches promoting players out of boundaries are subject to dismissal. Forfeitures of games will apply.
Each player will receive a helmet, shoulder pads, and game pants.
Some districts provide Jerseys that will be returned at the end of season. Other Districts provide jerseys each season as part of the registration fee.
Mouthpieces, socks, athletic supporters (w/cups), and football shoes are not supplied.
We agree to be fully responsible for the return of the items of equipment issued to the above named player. All equipment is to be returned in reasonable condition, with normal wear and tear when requested to do so by Conference or district officials, or pay the stated value of $260.00, plus all costs of collection Including a reasonable attorney
fees plus interest.
Contact your district president for more details.
Official Weigh-In is conducted for 10 days in the beginning of August. Each player is required to weigh in during that time period. No make up weigh ins.
Players are to wear shorts and t-shirts to weigh in. No Equipment!
The "X"-man Rule in the conference bylaws is presently written as follows:
13.1.1 The "X" player must be an Interior lineman on offense, playing one of the four line positions, from Tackle to Tackle, the "X" player must be set, but not necessarily down in a 3 or 4 point stance at the snap of the ball. On defense the "X" player must be an interior lineman.
They can line up anywhere along the line of scrimmage. However, they must be on the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball. The "X" player on defense must be down in a 3 or 4 point stance at the snap of the ball.
ALL "X"-MEN-- The following criteria apply to ALL "X"-men:
1. All individuals listed on their teams´ roster as an "X"-man, must have either a 4" White or Black "X" on the front AND back of their helmet. The Conference Board of Directors have also instructed the President´s of each District to inform their Coaches to ONLY use Conference-purchased block "X´s". Skull bones, decorations, colorings, numbers, names, writings, etc. are prohibited on the "X", and the "X" can NOT be made of Athletic tape, black electrical tape or anything other the Conferenceprovided "X".
You need to contact the District President in the district you want to coach in.
Contact your District President, go to the District President section. If after contacting your District President, feel you need to contact a Conference Representative go to the Liaison section. The Ute Conference will only follow up on problems that are sent in writing and are not anonymous.
You may email Cory Plant at
Refund Insurance Available – $25.00 per registration – Non-transferrable – Must be purchased at time of registration
Cover Perils Include:
Sickness/Injury (on or off the field)
Inclement Weather
Uninhabitable residence – Home condemned by city, state or municipality
Traffic accident causing injury to player
Job transfer or Job layoff (Parent or Guardian)
The Ute Conference, will issue equipment to players to use for padded camps such as the U of U, and BYU football camps. The following restrictions apply: (1) All registration fees must be collected in full for the current year season. No payment plans can be accepted (2) In case
of injury during the camp, all insurance will be the responsibility of the camp and/or the parent. Ute Conference, Inc. insurance will not be enforced for any non-sanctioned individual camps. (3) Use of equipment during these camps constitutes 1 season of utilization of certification requirements. Therefore, NO REFUNDS OF SEASON FEES WILL BE ISSUED. Once equipment is taken for use in a camp, prior to the start of the Ute Conference season, all Ute Conference Refund policies become null and void.
President: Todd Kelly
Vice President / Past President: Scott Bassett
Vice President: Spud Beckstrom
Vice President: Brandon Wells
Vice President / Treasurer: Lindsay Holmes
Secretary: Kaci Kelly
Thank you all volunteers and those who help on all levels with the growth and support of Wasatch Youth Football.
Equipment Pick up Dates
July 13th 8 am to noon
July 20th 8 am to noon
July 22nd 5pm to 8 pm