Episode 4

The Grand Finale: The Performing Stage

Welcome to Mental Toughness Monday, your weekly playbook for coaching excellence. We’ve tackled the stages of Forming, Storming, and Norming. Now, it’s time for the grand finale: the Performing stage. This is where the magic happens, fellas. Let’s get into it!”


Picture this: the ‘Dream Team’ of 1992, with legends like Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. These guys weren’t just a bunch of superstars thrown together; they were the embodiment of what it means to perform as a unit. And from all accounts, their intra-squad scrimmage was like watching poetry in motion.


But here’s the kicker: Performance isn’t just about talent. It’s about synergy. You know, like when a shire horse pulls more weight the longer it works with its mate? A Shire horse can pull 8 8 thousand pounds on it’s own. With a seasoned teammate, those shire horses can pull over 40 thousand pounds together. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s your team in the Performing stage.


It’s not just about being the best player on the team. It’s about being the best player for the team. Sometimes, that means passing the ball when you could shoot, or running the extra mile in practice.

Now, let’s talk trust versus performance. Simon Sinek hit the nail on the head when he compared trust in a team to trust in the military. It’s not just about trusting someone to make the shot; it’s about trusting them with the team’s spirit.


Think about it. You can have all the talent in the world, but if there’s no trust, it’s like a Ferrari without wheels. Sure, it looks great, but it’s not going anywhere.


But when you balance high performance with high trust? That’s when you’ve got a winning formula. It’s like having a secret sauce that turns a good team into a great one.


So, coaches, as you guide your team through these stages, remember, it’s not just about scoring touchdowns. It’s about building a team that trusts, supports, and elevates each other.


As we wrap up, keep this in mind: every player can contribute uniquely to the team’s success. It’s not about being the star; it’s about shining together. That’s the true essence of performing.


Thanks for tuning into Mental Toughness Monday. Join us next week as we tackle new strategies to build resilience and drive in your team. Don’t forget to share this with your coaches, and remember, great teams are built one Monday at a time!


– Riley Jensen

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